Log onto the Patient Portal Website elxmed.com
Doctor, Nurse, Paramedic enters your disc number. For demonstration purposes please use disc number 25000. ONLY your vital medical records are immediately available to them.
This includes
a) Your Name
b) Your Medical condition
c) Your Medication
d) Your Allergies
e) Your Medical Aid and Medical Aid Number
f) Your Blood Group
g) Your Doctor
We have excluded your other personal information for your own security. However any medical personal can call the National call centre for all other relevant information, including next of kin etc.
View and update your info. You as an Elixir member can view all of your information by logging on with your Disc Number and identifier/password. Your identifier/password has been set with your Identity Number. This can be changed by sending us an e-mail and selecting a new identifier/password. E-mail to elixir@saol.com
Log on to:
Enter your bracelet number (25000)
Select “RSA ID number”
Enter your ID number(25000)
Press “search”
Complete the update form
Press “send”
An e-mail will be sent to us and the update will be completed for you. It could not be easier
The 24-hour monitoring is managed and controlled by Elixir Monitoring Services 365 days a year.
At present we are concentrating on the South African market, but due to our new Internet based monitoring software the product is now totally international, resulting in a great number of patients purchasing an Elixir bracelet for international travel. The Elixir bracelet now allows everyone to have their medical records and history with them wherever they go.
SMS Service (South Africa only)
Elixir is the first Emergency Medical Identification product to use SMS messaging to get ALL medical information to the paramedic or doctor at the scene of an accident or in an emergency situation, all the attending medical officer has to do is give the call centre operator his cell number. Within approximately 30 seconds, he will receive all the patient’s information via SMS directly to his cell phone. This information is critical during the Golden Hour after an accident has occurred, it will be the difference between life and death.
Some examples of information to be sent via SMS:
Severe allergies to medication:
Giving a patient a certain medication they are allergic to could kill them rather than save their life.
Medication complications:
If a patient is on a blood thinning drug (Warfarin) and receives a non steroidal Anti-Inflammatory drug there is a huge risk of haemorrhage. bleeding out and death.
Medical devises:
There are a huge number of patients with pacemakers, a paramedic needs to know this before treating or again he might kill the patient rather than save their life.
Medical conditions:
There are hundreds of thousands of patients with medical conditions in South Africa. Diabetics, they can go into a diabetic coma at any time. Heart condition patients, Organ donors, Epileptic patients and Transplant patients.
All of the above conditions need special attention before medical treatment, thus explaining how vital the patient information is to the attending medical officer. Calling a call centre and trying to write down the information, at night, in the rain, sirens blaring and people screaming is virtually impossible. Our new monitoring system together with an SMS service provider will simply, with the click of a mouse SMS all this vital information to the medical officer’s cell phone that could and will save some ones life. We are implementing this SMS system free of charge to our patients, therefore making it accessible to everyone who needs it.
The document page is the very newest innovation on the system. This facilitates the storing of medical reports on the patient profile on the internet. Documents such as prescriptions, ecg reports, x rays and of course patient visit reports, post op reports, pathology reports and many more can now be captured and embedded on the patient profile.
This includes your covid Vaccination certificates:
Qualified medical officials will now be able to view and print these documents when necessary in emergencies.
Since the entire system is internet based, the service is available anywhere in the world.
Simply put, the patient has his entire medical history with him wherever he is.