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Email: | Phone: 086 1115 178 | Fax: 086 0103 684

Register – Takkie Track

Register – Takkie Track2024-08-26T11:54:15+00:00

Select Subscription Option

The ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION is payable to register your Takkie Track. Please complete the payment below.

Payment of my annual subscription will continue until termination by me/us by giving you/us thirty days’ notice in writing. In the event of an increase in this amount more than 10% per annum, I must be advised by ELIXIR, prior to such withdrawal. All such withdrawals from my/our bank account by you shall be treated as though they had been signed by me/us personally. If this Payfast Payment is dishonoured for any reason, ELIXIR is authorised to resubmit it for payment until such time as it is honoured.


  1. Payfast Payment Annual R 120.00

Payfast Debit Order


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